NdFeB Magnet

samarie, magent

Neodymium Iron Boron Magnet Home Ergonomic Design Dailymag magnetic sweeper is composed of main four parts which contribute to a unit performance. Excellent Wheel: Easily roll on a concrete floor, carpet, grass, and other floor areas. Solid Pulling Capacity: Can collect up to 50 Lbs/ 22.7 kg. Pick up screws, nails, and other metal. Adjustable […]

Samarium Cobalt Magnet

Smco Magnet (1)

Home What are Samarium Cobalt Magnets (SmCo Magnets) ? Samarium Cobalt (SmCo) magnets are a type of rare-earth magnet made from an alloy of samarium and cobalt. They are known for their exceptional magnetic properties, including high magnetic strength and resistance to demagnetization. SmCo magnets are divided into two main series: SmCo_5 (1:5 series) and […]

Magnetic Tools

magnetic tools

Home Magnetic Sweepers The magnetic sweepers are designed to pick up potential hazardous metal debris -indoors and outdoors. Loose blades, nails, screws and nuts, washers, and sharp metal shavings, to name a few. It makes cleaning up large messes so simple and easy. Keeps any areas, yards, floors, walkways, garage, and work areas clean and […]

Ferrite Magnets

Ferrite Magnets

Home What is a Ferrite Magnet? A ferrite/ceramic magnet is a permanent magnet type typically derived from the combination of an iron oxide (Fe3O4) and other elements. Such elements utilized in this process include lead, strontium, manganese, cobalt, or barium. Ferrite magnets cost much less than other permanent magnets and display high resistance to demagnetization. […]

Neodymium Magnet

Neodymium Magnet

Home Some functions of Neodymium magnets Neodymium cube magnets are small, powerful magnets made from a rare earth metal called neodymium. They are typically small in size, ranging from a few millimeters to a few centimeters in length, width, and height, and are often square or rectangular. Neodymium cube magnets are particularly useful for creating […]

Rubber Magnet

Rubber Mangnet

Home Rubber Mounting Magnets Rubber magnets are lightweight and highly flexible, making them ideal for various applications. These magnets can be cut, twisted, or shaped without losing magnetic properties, allowing for customization to meet specific needs. Perfect for signage, crafts, and educational tools, they are widely used in schools, offices, and homes. Their resistance to […]

Alnico Magnet

alnico magnet

Home Dailymag Alnico Magnets Alnico magnet is a type of permanent magnet produced with a pure combination of aluminum, iron, cobalt, nickel, and other elements’ content. These magnets are typically assembled in pieces of complex shapes or forms through the process casting or sintering method. Dailymag’s alnico magnets offer the best temperature characteristics which is […]