about us of zhengsway



Hi everyone, I’m Niki, the wife of Mr. Zheng, and we own the ladder brand you see today. The story of ZHENG’S WAY is the story of dedication, precision, and most importantly, love.

You may be thinking about the love we share for each other but it really is the love my husband Mr. Zheng has for ladders and more importantly his customers.

If you call Mr. Zheng any day of the year at any time of the day you’ll probably find him in our factory hammering away at some new ladder contraption he is about to release. Sometimes I look at those ladders and feel jealous, but I have never met a man more dedicated to his craft more than Mr. Zheng.

This love for his craft, and ladders shows. Our clients know that each and everyone of our ladders are built with precision and stamped with Mr. Zheng stamp of approval.

I just wish he would look at me like he looks at our client’s ladders.

We're ZHENG'S WAY. We've been dealing with the design and manufacturing of ladder for many years. Our concept focus on being ladder experts which has allowed us to deliver products with high quality, safety design, affordable price and so on to our customers. This lethal trio is embedded in to the core of our brand and is what allows to be one of the leading ladder manufacturer and supplier in the world. Our business, experience, and technology is built on a foundation of ladder expertise we've built over years. Through a combination of years of hard work and experience we've been able to bring you the ZHENG'S WAY brand you see today that a great number of customers have grown to benefit from. What ZHENG'S WAY does for customers is special, and we want to share this with you from now on!
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Our R&D's primary mission is providing active and forward-looking support for ZHENG'S WAY ladder various businesses, leading to product development and innovation to better serve current markets and enhance our competitive edge. The secondary mission is to contribute to the development and growth of ZHENG'S WAY ladder through technological innovation, so as to provide better supporting services for the industries of building decoration, hardware tools, household cleaning, electric power and other industries. Within ZHENG'S WAY ladder, while maintaining permanent client contact and looking to the future to anticipate technological advances and emerging markets.
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To be the leading "regular" concerned ladder and hardware brand, looking for a ladder for customers they can trust. Build long-term relationships with clients and continuously provide professional ladder and home hardware related advice. Known for consistently safe ladders, safety is a top priority in every link from product, customer service, certification, use to service, bring ZHENG'S WAY to customers around the world.
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Mr. Zheng is man dedicated to building ladders and his way involves defining

construction of ladders in just 3 steps –

dedication logo


This is a dedication to the industry, clients, and himself. Mr. Zheng designs ladders for the future, and constantly thinks of how to put his personal touch on every single ladder he touches to make them that much better.

customer love zhengsway


Mr Zheng’s first love was ladders, his second his was his wife Nikki, this combination allows him to put his full heart into every piece that makes the end product ladder that is handed to clients. With out this love there wouldn’t be ZHENG’S WAY

expertise logo of zhengsway


This expertise is what allows clients to love what we do here at ZHENG’S WAY. This dedication and love are what has created an expert brand culture here that allows us to deliver ladders that are of the highest quality all around.


Our concept of making ladders starts and ends with Mr. Zheng. He is a man dedicated to building ladders and has done so for his entire life. His way involves defining the construction of ladders in 3 steps


Safety of ladders is the first priority, and bringing the highest quality products to customers is our first goal.


As a family brand, we are inspired by the love of the family in product design and execution.


We make sure that the products we offer our customers are first tried out for themselves.

When You Want To Introduce ZHENG'S WAY.

We’re ZHENG’S WAY. We’ve been dealing with the design and manufacturing of ladders for many years. We’re a brand built around a concept called ZHENG’s WAY. A concept developed by Mr. Zheng and his team here based on how he builds ladders.

When They Ask What Do You Do.

We’re a ladder manufacturer that leverages our best products to win our customers commitments.

When They Ask Why Work With You?

1. We’re dedicated ladder experts.
2. The Way Of Dedication – Dedication to the Industry.
3. The Way of Love – Love for Ladders, Love for Nikki.
4. The Way of Expertise – Building Better.

zhengsway factory, ladder manufacturer;



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